Keep Tennessee Beautiful Council:
More Fun Than a Barrel Full of Monkeys

Environmental Division
Keep Tennessee Beautiful Council
Suite 400 James K. Polk Office Building
505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0333
Shawn A. Bible, Manager
In 1989 the Governor’s Office [actually the former beer distributor and Tennessee Governor Ned Ray McWherter] issued Executive Order # 28, establishing the Keep Tennessee Beautiful Council (KTBC) and endorsing the Keep America Beautiful System. The original Council served from 1989 until 1993. The Council has been recently resurrected and the new Council members met for an orientation session on January 27 & 28, 1998. The goals of KTBC are:
- Guide the direction of the Keep Tennessee Beautiful Program/University of Memphis.
- Promote and support Keep America System affiliates.
- Promote and support local volunteer actions for litter reduction and waste handling.
The Department of Transportation feels strongly that the Council’s work will have a great impact on the future of litter and solid disposal in Tennessee.
For more information concerning the work of the Council, please call Shawn A. Bible at (615) 532.3488 or fax your requests to (615) 532.5995.
The following are a few questions that you can forward to Ms. Bible:
- Why doesn't your Keep Tennessee Beautiful Council web site list the names all of the active KTBC members;
- email and telephone contact information for each KTBC member;
- city and county residence for each KTBC member;
- business, industry, government agency, and/or non-profit organization represented by each KTBC member, and;
- the total amount of TDOT funding allocated to provide for administrative (e.g salary of KTBC manager), technical, and clerical support of the KTBC?
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