Low-life Litterbugs: Some Truckers Using Milk Jugs as Throw-Away Urinals
Tens of thousands of ‘trucker bombs’ litter roads

By Miguel Llanos
Updated: 4:00 p.m. ET June 2, 2005
SEATTLE — Roadside litter comes in all shapes and sizes — from dirty diapers to syringes — but there's one category that out-grosses the rest: trucker bombs.
Most drivers whiz along the nation's highways largely oblivious to their roadside surroundings. But next time you are out there, take a closer look.
"As soon as you look for it you’ll see it," says Megan Warfield, litter programs coordinator at Washington state's Department of Ecology. "You just see them glistening in the sun. It’s just gross."
They are trucker bombs, plastic jugs full of urine tossed by truckers, and even non-truckers, who refuse to make a proper potty stop to relieve themselves.
The state hasn't counted how many such jugs are found each year, but a single, small county decided to do its own tally. "In one year," Warfield says, "one crew found 2,666 bottles of urine, 67 feces covered items, not including diapers, and 18 syringes."
It even happens at rest stops. "That’s the mystery," Warfield says. "There’s a bathroom right there, there’s also a trash can."
At 14.3.06,
Eric said…
Did you see the Daily Show segment on this? They even had a "Pee Bottle Song". Really funny stuff.
I'm thinking that we should put a deposit on coffee that is sold to truck drivers. They get the deposit back when they stop to pee. lol
Bottle Bill Blog
At 14.3.06,
Eric said…
How did you get the CRI counter to work on the site? I tried to put it on mine, but it keeps loading and loading.... Any ideas?
Bottle Bill Blog
At 15.3.06,
Eric said…
Your link to www.bottlebillhawaii.org doesn't work.
Bottle Bill Blog
At 16.3.06,
Elmer Gantry said…
Fixed the hyperlink to the Sierra Club-Hawaii Bottle Law web page...
It is my understanding that if you should decide to copy the CRI counter source code directly from the CRI web site, the counter code is correctly posted with the URL hyperlinks relative to the CRI web site (that is to say missing the CRI URL domain name)...but it does not do you too much good when you attempt to post into your own web page or blog.
Take an easy cheat: while at the tennesseebottlebill.blogspot.com site, go above to the menu bar of your web browser, pull down "View" and click on "Page Source" or "View Source" etc., amd scroll down close to the bottom of the source code.
You will be looking for the block of code that references to the Recycle Container Institute, then highliught, copy, and paste into your own blog or web site.
At 25.11.09,
Anonymous said…
Interesting story as for me. I'd like to read more concerning that topic.
BTW look at the design I've made myself A level escort
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